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Climate Change for Football Fans

Climate Change for Football Fans

Ref No: 9781906860356

Details: Author: James Atkins

Type: Books

Price: £8.99

Climate change is a hot topic but getting people interested in it and explaining it to them is hard. This book makes it interesting. As the author says: This book is about climate change policy, one of the most boring topics in the world. So it also includes stuff about football, which is one of the most interesting subjects in the world. It's written as a series of conversations between Joe, a football-mad Burnley FC fan, and Professor Igor who's obsessed with climate change. Joe thinks worrying about climate change is a waste of time, and Igor can't understand why 22 grown men would put on shorts and run around after a ball. It's funny, written in the earthy and irreverent language of the football fan. It works as a story, with good cartoon illustrations. But the serious sub-text about climate change also works -- education by stealth. At the back of the book there is a Notes section, summarizing all the serious climate-change material. This lets the reader look up the important messages in the book without having to stand on the terraces. The book has broad appeal: girlfriends who want to improve their football-mad boyfriends, teachers who wish to motivate reluctant students with the football tag, people who just enjoy an unusual read, and of course those interested in the economics and science of climate change. It is unique and a typical book from an independent press -- a zany title that's perfect for Christmas.

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