North East Traction

North East Traction

Ref No: 9781445666341

Details: Author: JohnDedman

Type: Books

RRP: £14.99
Price: £13.99

With photographs dating back nearly forty years, John Dedman offers a fascinating selection of photographs of traction in the north-east of England. Covering the areas of Humberside, Teesside and Tyneside on the coast and Doncaster to Darlington inland, North East Traction offers a wonderful guide to a region that, with its industrial heritage and history of steel, coal and petroleum, produces some of the heaviest freight flows in the country. Documenting both passenger workings and freight services, including images from Thornaby depot, with its sizable allocation of various classes of locomotive in individual liveries, North East Traction gives a compelling overview of a unique area in our rail network.


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